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Strengthen Your Practice by Partnering with Us

Bring cutting-edge therapies to your clients, benefit from shared knowledge, and join a network committed to health innovation.


Massage Therapists

Physical Therapists

Occupational Therapists

Incorporate light therapy for improved spinal health and pain relief, providing a complementary treatment to traditional chiropractic methods. 

Add a dimension of muscle recovery and relaxation to your practice, offering clients a unique, soothing therapeutic experience. 

Utilize light therapy to accelerate soft tissue recovery, making rehabilitation faster and more effective for your patients. 

Integrate innovative pain management and functional recovery techniques into your therapeutic practices, enhancing patient care. 



Athletic Directors

Gym Owners

Access a non-pharmacological tool for managing pain and cognitive support, improving the well-being of those under your care. 

Implement advanced recovery and performance tools to keep athletes at their peak, supporting both individual and team success. 

Adopt light therapy in athletic programs to boost recovery and performance, fostering a stronger, healthier team dynamic. 

Offer light therapy as a groundbreaking wellness solution, attracting a diverse clientele seeking holistic fitness approaches. 

Let’s Build a Stronger Health Network

Join us in a collaborative, non-paid partnership that benefits both our clients and your practice. Together, we can achieve greater health outcomes.

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