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Don’t Let Pain Hold You Back from Feeling Your Best

The weekend warrior is a special species; they spend the week working 40+ hours (usually at a desk) and then get into all sorts of activities over the weekend (or in the evenings). Whether the activities are household chores, gardening, yard work, sports, or working out, they want to fit in as much as possible while they are off from work over the weekend. These activities can often result in aches, pains and injuries and make that inevitable return to work much more difficult.


Even when you do your best to try to avoid injury, eventually everybody has that one weekend where they overdo it. Luckily you can always visit Genesis Light Therapy. Our office utilizes the FireFly Clinic Pro Light therapy to accelerate the recovery of these types of injuries. High-powered multi-spectrum works to both reduce the overall pain in the area as well as accelerate the healing process by supplying extra energy to the cells responsible for tissue repair. Unlike lower-powered lasers, the FireFly can penetrate deep into tissues and provide the amount of energy necessary for a therapeutic effect in a significantly shorter time. In many cases, you will feel significantly less pain and have an improved range of motion after your first visit.

If you feel like you have overdone it at some point and don’t want to spend the next work week fighting through the pain, schedule an appointment with your Genesis technician. Here at Genesis Light Therapy, your Firefly technician has been utilizing  light therapy for pain to help people quickly recover from their weekend warrior activities. Schedule an appointment and get out of pain today.

Our team of Firefly technicians work to reduce discomfort by identifying pain at its source, helping you move and live better.

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