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Finding Relief From Chronic Pain: The Powerful Impact of FireFly Light Therapy

Let's start with...What is pain?

Pain starts in receptor nerve cells found beneath the skin and in organs throughout the body. When you are sick, injured, or have other type of problem, these receptor cells send messages along nerve pathways to the spinal cord, which then carries the message to the brain.

Pain can be acute, meaning new, subacute, lasting for a few weeks or months, and chronic, when it lasts for more than 3 months. 

Chronic pain is one of the costliest health problems in the United States and worldwide. Increased medical expenses, lost income, lost productivity, compensation payments, and legal charges are some of the economic consequences of chronic pain.


I was diagnosed with inflammation of my SI joint. It mimics both back and hip pain. After months of doctors visits, mri's, physical therapy, daily ice, etc, I finally took the advice of a friend and contacted Genesis Light Therapy. What a blessing! By my 5th treatment I was fully healed. I could have saved myself thousands of dollars and valuable lost time. Thank you!

If the Opioid Epidemic has taught us anything...

With more than 105 million US adults’s that pain is a problem of epic proportions. 

Of course, drugs and surgery are poor answers, at best, with expense, side effects, and poor success rates. Cryotherapy, while gaining popularity, is not ideal for chronic pain and can be quite dangerous. At-home solutions like heat and ice are temporary solutions. And many pain-relief devices and treatments are dangerous, expensive, or unobtainable. So, the opioid epidemic rages on, and too many people suffer.

As a natural practitioner, we want to provide the best care and real results, without the danger, expense, and problems of other approaches. You want to work WITH the body’s own healing ability to make real changes.

That’s why we offer the FireFly Clinic Pro Light Therpay. It’s a safe, effective, and all-natural approach with no harmful side effects. It works with the body’s own biology to reduce pain and promote healing. Best of all, it’s affordable and available to you at Genesis Light Therapy.

"I had plantar fasciitis in both feet. After one treatment, I could tell a tremendous difference, and couldn't believe it! After another treatment, the pain was gone!" 

"I thought this stuff was crazy at first, but I had a treatment done on my damaged rotator cuff. After one treatment, I had more range of motion and discovered, it's probably not all that crazy after all!" 

Firefly Clinic Pro is Effective at Addressing Pain From...


Acute Pain
Chronic pain
Joint Pain

Sports Injuries
Muscle spasms
Shoulder Pain
Elbow Pain
Neck Pain
Back Pain

"I had a pinched nerve in my neck, and could hardly turn my head. I did one light treatment and could start to turn my neck within 30 minutes. A few hours later I had full range of motion with no pain!" 

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